Friday, February 29, 2008

Chronicles of my life Part II - What the future holds...

Hey Blog,

Yeah it's only been a day since I updated but ya know I think it's important to put my thoughts down somewhere and now that I don't have facebook or myspace to accomadate that...I'm forced to you my good ole friend! I hope you haven't felt to mad when I left you for about 2 years =P I kept busy with other websites =P But you and other blog sites are truly my first love on the internet and neopets I guess..
Anyways I've been thinking alot about my future lately, a thought that comes across alot I suppose...but honestly where does God have me going in the future? Gosh sometimes I wish I'd know. I feel like I'm being left out to dry sometimes as if "This is my life, shouldn't I know my future?" I guess that's the beauty of God is never quite knowing when and where he's going to do something amazing! I guess I'm being selfish everytime I pray that he takes me out of my normal life. I could care less if my name was remembered in the sands of time. I just want God's kingdom to be reaching out throughout the lands. I guess you could say that I've been pulled and tugged towards missions lately...
Many might note that I've been very against putting all your focus on mission ministry but lately I see nothing more worth my time. I need something so out of my life that I can finally feel used. Of course God is going to use me where I am but why should I be "ok" with just the plain life that I'm living? I guess you can say that I've become to accustomed to the ways of this world and I've found myself passive to the problems in my own country. I look past other's and my own filth just so I can be "ok" in this world that was originally created for perfection. I guess Genesis has been getting to my head, thus why I've been mentioning it quite a bit in my blogs and personal comments. I just have a focus on how this world was supposed to be. Perfection. Unity. I know one thing is for sure, if I ever feel alone I know it's because I'm not in union with God. Why the heck wouldn't I be in union with God? Sin. It sucks. Sin destroys.
I guess that's where my focus on missions came from. There are people who are falling to sin and hell without even knowing it. I know that this is the case in America too but there are so many people in this crummy nation already...and then people complain about how our nation is such a crummy nation. Why would I want to stay and try to add to something that people have already decided has no say on the outcome of the nation? I guess I just don't want to be stagnant. If I stay here in this country and do God's work I know that I could easily fall into my own motives or worse off the Devil's motives. I guess I am worried that allowing myself to stay here wont change my own heart.
So here I am. A very outspoken activist against the missions majors...thinking about his future in Missions. It's funny how God works. It's also brilliant. To soften that which was hard. To destroy that which destroys. I'm willing to do God's mission. I just hope it doesn't kill me before I can be used to His fullest.

- Robert

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