Monday, November 19, 2007

Pas or panta from my greek word study

Hey Blog and Readers,

I am taking a break from the past 4 and a half hours that I've been in the library to tell you just a bit of what I've learned through my search.

§ 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 - For he "has put everything (pavnta) under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" (pavnta) has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything (pavnta) under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything (pavnta) under him, so that God may be all (pavnta) in all (pa:sin).

Have you ever thought about the word everything? like really thought about it?
In many translations the word for everything can also be translated into the phrase "all things".
To make my long Greek Word Study Project very very short, "all things" and "everything" show the totality of God. This word that is used almost 1240 in the New Testament is trying to show us the wholeness of God and His universality.
God is the Creator of the universe.
God is the Creator of the cosmos.
God is the Creator of pavnta

all things...

Often in the New Testament this word is also piled on top of each other, used over and over again to show that God is good. Why else would he create everything? We are to look upon his creation and be overwhelmed by his abounding joy that was created at the beginning of Time!

Well that is just a small portion of what I've been thinking and racking my brain over for the past almost 5 hours now.

_robert koch

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